This week on Armed Lutheran Radio, Sgt. Bill is back! Aaron shares a lesson learned from a recent good-guy-with-a-gun incident in Texas, Mia reports from the Shoot Like a Girl trailer at NRAAM, and Pastor Bennett is out sick so Lloyd is flying solo on Clinging to God & Guns, taking apart an article that suggests that Jesus would have some choice words for the NRA.
Ballistic Minute with Sergeant Bill
Sgt. Bill is back from his win at the Silver Dollar to talk about the oft-heard phrase “Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.”
Aaron Israel of Fundamental Defense
Last week in a restaurant in Arlington, Texas a good guy with a gun stopped a badguy with a gun. Aaron shares his thoughts on this story.
Mia's Motivations with Mia Anstine
Mia is hanging out with Christie Crawford from Shoot Like a Girl at the NRA Annual Meetings.
Clinging to God and Guns
With Pastor Bennett out sick, Lloyd is going solo taking on an article from Red Letter Christians that completely misuses numerous Bible verses to suggest that Jesus would not be too happy with the NRA.
Prayer of the Week
Almighty and everlasting God, the heavenly Father who shows the light of truth to those who are in error so that they may return into the way of righteousness, cause all who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ's Church to avoid those things that are contrary to their profession and to follow all such things that are agreeable thereto; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.